So why beer, why a brewery? Well why not I suppose. When it’s something your other half dreams of, talks about almost constantly and it brings him to life ... why not?
So we did! Back in 2012, fresh faced, keen, lots to learn (and I mean LOTS), we just.....did.
James spent the best part of 12-18 months getting everything lined up and sorted, license in place, research, lots of home brewing (his favourite hobby) and lots of beer tasting (no, wait, that’s his favourite hobby) we opened our doors, we had our brew kit installed, we had to think up beer names, recipes, how we wanted to be. And then came the graft, the hard graft, that we both loved more than we knew we could. It was what made us.......us. Long days, late nights, mistakes, triumphs, it feels like we have done it all.
In lots of ways that feels like a lifetime ago. In 2012 we started our business, in 2013 we started our family and we are the very proud parents of three crazy, amazing, gorgeous little people. Yep......we don’t know how we juggle it all either, but we do. Your beer, each and every pint, is brewed by someone who eats, drinks and sleeps what we do. It is more than his work, more than our livelihood, it’s what makes him tick. And I reckon you can taste all that in our beer, the love, the passion, the graft, the constant, constant need to make it better, to try this, to see what happens here.
And that’s what we are, it’s simple I guess. Two people who love what we do.
Joined by the most amazing team, who work just as hard as we do, who care, who treat our beer and our customers as if they were their own.
That’s what we are. We love it. We care. We strive. We explore. We dream.